Hey everyone! It's Monday & it's back to work for me but it's also Mr. B.'s Friday, meaning after tonight's shift, we get him home for 2 days, yay!
I have a good amount of money to be made, today, from Dog Grooming (I love having a work at home business) & I also have some laundry that I iron for a nice elderly man that will be picked up today. Yes, i try and do anything to make some extra money for my family. Also, it's only 4 whole days away from M's 3rd birthday. Everyday for the last month, it seems, she wakes up, says "Good Morning, Mama" and then quickly asks if today is her "Burttay Party & Burttay cake day"...soon baby, very soon!
We have a wonderful Birthday planned for her...going to have a nice family get together at my mother's, her Nana's house on her actual birthday on Friday. Then on Saturday, we'll have our first BBQ since moving to Florida, and Mr. B. will be able to finally make his famous Kansas City BBQ for our friends, but we'll also have birthday celebrations and kiddie games for M's birthday. It will be a fun time for all...So, besides my dog grooming this week, I'll be busy getting ready for this weekends festivities for our baby girl. Can't wait. I'll definitely be showcasing some fabulous pictures after all is said and done.
Now, onto the Monday hops & link ups.
First is the Mom's Monday Mingle...Nice hop that has brought me a few new friends...check out!

His: What's the name we already decided on? (He's easy, he loves EVERY name that I pick)
Her: I like Scarlet Marie. (Scarlet, just because I LOVE that name and Marie is my middle name)
What is your biggest shopping pet peeve?
His: Mine? Looking at thing's I'm not there to shop for. (That is directed at me, I'm sure, lol)
Her: Bringing my kids (which I have to every time) & my littlest one pitching a fit the entire time.
If you could have any single superpower what would it be and why?
His: To live forever.
Her: The same as "Jeanie" from "Bewitched"
If you got a life-supply subscription to any magazine what magazine would you choose?
His: None, I hate magazines. (Really? I didn't know that, lol)
Her: Hmm...there's so many to choose just one. People, InTouch, Cosmo, etc..
What was your favorite subject in elementary school (recess and lunch don't count)?
His: I actually really liked History
Her: In elementary, I really like science...you know, back when we could do fun Science Labs with Experiments.
You just scored $5. What do you spend it on?
His: a Burger.
Her: Dollar Store with my girls.

His: I didn't ever think I'd be with someone that beautiful. (AWWWWW)
Her: Surely a man that HAWT wouldn't think I'm cute, surely! (Guess I was wrong!)
Her: COMCAST! Where are they coming up with all these stupid fees?
Favorite classic Disney princess?
His: Jasmine (I asked Why?) Him: I dunno, I just always thought she was prettiest out of all of them...probably because of her tan skin. (LOL!!)
Her: Belle...I loved singing her songs.
If you could reincarnate into any animal after you die what animal would you want to be?
His: a Bird.
Her: a dog that belongs to a celebrity.
Have any other Monday hop's or Linkup's for Monday you want me to join in on? Let me know! Remember, I'm still sorta new to this, but I'm having fun. Also, Thank you to all my new followers!! :) You guys have all been so sweet!! Oh, and Cecelia over at Dearest Lou gets a golden star for helping me to get rid of the box & drop shadow around my picture I put up on my posts! WOOHOO!
Hope everyone has a fantastic week~!!! What's your plans?
Love and Links,
The pink is so cool! Following you via Monday Mingle and would love a follow back. All the best, Monica
Hi Kristen,
Love the pink hair!!
I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. Check and it out and see if you can find Waldo (don't ask!)
Cheers, Renee :-)
Hey hey! Stopping by to say hello! Hope you had a wonderful Monday. :)
Hi, I'm Shar!
Your newest follower from the blog hop!
I had pink highlights before... back in highschool... and I work pink everyday, so that I could match my hair LOL
xoxo ♥ -Shar
Thanks for stopping by Hurley Love. Your blog is growing and is doing so well. Way to go!
Oh, those are such fun questions, I love that you did them together. :)
Thanks for the sweet comment you left me at Happy Hour Projects. Following you now!
Happy Hour Projects
New to blogging and came across your blog!!! Great job!!! And I am your newest follower :)
Lol aw, that is so cute that she keeps asking if it's her birthday.
I love the pink hair, I used to have purple! :)
PS Thanks so much for sharing my blog hop!!
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! for sharing my blog hop with your friends. :) You are awesome!!!
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